Dnia 1 June 2019, autor Katarzyna Złotowska

Dear guests we would like to thank you for participating in first in Poland LEAN HEALTHCARE SYMPOSIUM that took place 31 of may in Torun in Poland.

The attendance was high and we had chance to meet in medtech specialist group in place that encourages to thinking outside of box, start-up center Business Link Torun.

The main purpose was promotion of effective process management methods in healthcare and sharing best practices of value stream mapping and problem solving using ISHIKAWA diagram and 5WHY. Its keynote was improving level of quality in healthcare services.

First presentation hosted by Anna Zlotowska- Lean Healthcare Expert was about improving access to medical services and improving financial effectiveness using lean healthcare approach in best examples all over the world hospitals.


We appreciate very much practical knowledge that is why we tried to map patient reception on emergency department process with broken leg. Workshop were conducted by Katarzyna Zlotowska that specializes in process optimization and improving financial effectiveness and Anna Zlotowska.


We did process map with details: defining people responsibilities for every activity and evaluated cycle time. Team also pointed all wastes (8 type of wastes) and show which activity in process is the most critical. Because that point can lead to different subprocesses with different effects. During process analysis team calculated patient LT lead time through process (LEAD TIME) and value added activities (VAT VALUE ADDED ACTIVITY). Some participant proposed improvement ideas, which can make process shorter and decrease risk that occurs. Risk management approach is not connected only with lean healthcare but also with innovative technologies as internet of medical things (IOmT), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI) and actions and decisions made based on DATA DRIVEN and network centric.


Also we show teams how to analyze problem of patient falls during hospitalization in cardiology department. First team had to understand the problem definition and know ISHIKAWA tool. Simplicity is very important that is why we don’t focus on complicated tools and methods. We know that user experience and purpose is primary role. We just need paper and pencil. During brainstorm we collected plenty of potential causes of problem, some of them recurs so it was much easier to choose next potential causes for next level 5WHY analysis. Based on collected data team was very encouraged to make decision regarding preventive actions.

Teams were very opened and well integrated. Representative of every medical unit, lean passionate had chance to give a comment. It was very nice work together. Teams were multifunctional, thanks to our two colours of bands it was very easy to divide participants into two groups.

Additionally workshops were supported MEDTECH technologies, that together with lean healthcare can improve processes and quality of healthcare services.

MEDAPP is polish company that creates new technology solutions using HOLOLENS and augmented reality AR in clinical processes. One of the pioneer projects concerns using HOLOLENS glasses for analyzing some scenario of heart operation. All participants had chance to wear this glasses.

MEDIDESK is growing company that implement software which improve quality of patient registration process in medical units.

NEXTWAVES is a company with rich know-how in digital transformation and industry 4.0.

We had special guest on the event- Director of Emergency and Defence Services Department in Ministry of Health Jan Gessek. During presentation Jan Gessek introduced us new project of Ministry of Health TOPSOR. The main purpose of the project is to implement medical segregation of patient at emergency department in order to improve effectiveness of the process. Jan Gessek said that the project is very important and fit into lean healthcare approach. The project is a chance for better availability of emergency department services for most needy patient so the risk connected with hospitalization should be decreased. Thanks to visual management solution in TOPSOR stable patient shouldn’t go directly to emergency department but to other processes, improving patient flow in ED.

To sum up all event, thanks to very interactive form it was an interesting meeting with specialists that want to improve healthcare system. People wanted to share their experience, listen others, learn and create new ideas. It was place to exchange know-how with the best lean healthcare practicioners and met with medtech representants. It was first edition of this event and we hope that we created value added for everyone.


We would like to thank our sponsors: Medidesk, Medapp, Nextwaves, Thinkdrum and companies that share a media sponsorship: Ototorun.pl, Lean Time, Lean po polsku and Business Link team Torun. Great atmosphere, very creative.


See you next year! Know more about our Lean Leader Healthcare Academy!




Lean Process Katarzyna Złotowska

ul. Władysława Łokietka 5, 87-100 Toruń

NIP PL 599-305-88-22 REGON 364161132

e-mail: biuro@leanhospitals.pl tel. +48 508 238 811






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