Andon is a visual way of communicating by using light signals. When a issue is detected, a light signal appears and the production line can be stopped to remove the problem or the medical service may be interrupted. The main tool is an board that uses light signals or tones to tell where the problem appears. The signal can be used directly by medical personnel or a patient who felt worse and requires help. The signal can be sent by a remote located near the patient bed. There are two standard colors of signaling that are used – green and red. Every issue is serious and threatens the potential health or life of the patient, alarm activation is related to appearance of a red light signal. Medical personnel and patients should be aware of the usage and responsiveness of signals. Alarms should not be abused by patients or their families. Detection of issues (incorrectly set parameters for treatment) allows for removal, finding the source of the problem, introduction of improvements and also reducing the costs associated with patient complaints. In some hospitals, the number of alarm calls and stopping for medical services is monitored on a regular basis.